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Highlight Microdisparity for Improved Gloss Depiction, SIGGRAPH 2012

Highlight Microdisparity for Improved Gloss Depiction

Krzysztof Templin     Piotr Didyk     Tobias Ritschel     Karol Myszkowski     Hans-Peter Seidel

MPI Informatik

Physically-based highlights often cause binocular conflicts (left). On-surface highlights look less glossy and less authentic (middle). When rendered using the proposed technique, they are detached from the surface but do not introduce conflicts (right). Refer to additional materials for high-quality stereo pairs.


Human stereo perception of glossy materials is substantially different from the perception of diffuse surfaces: A single point on a diffuse object appears the same for both eyes, whereas it appears different to both eyes on a specular object. As highlights are blurry reflections of light sources they have depth themselves, which is different from the depth of the reflecting surface. We call this difference in depth impression the "highlight disparity". Due to artistic motivation, for technical reasons, or because of incomplete data, highlights often have to be depicted on-surface, without any disparity. However, it has been shown that a lack of disparity decreases the perceived glossiness and authenticity of a material. To remedy this contradiction, our work introduces a technique for depiction of glossy materials, which improves over simple on-surface highlights, and avoids the problems of physical highlights. Our technique is computationally simple, can be easily integrated in an existing (GPU) shading system, and allows for local and interactive artistic control.



Paper (3.5 MB).
Stereo video (55.1 MB), Anaglyph video (19.7 MB).
High-res stereo figures (7 MB).
SIGGRAPH 2012 slideshow (22 MB).

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Project Page


Krzysztof Templin, Piotr Didyk, Tobias Ritschel, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter Seidel
Highlight Microdisparity for Improved Gloss Depiction
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 31(4)

  author = { 
	Krzysztof Templin and
	Piotr Didyk and 
	Tobias Ritschel and 
	Karol Myszkowski and 
	Hans-Peter Seidel},
  title = {Highlight Microdisparity for Improved Gloss Depiction},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH)},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {31},
  number = {4}

© ACM, (2012). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution.
The definitive version was published in ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 31, 4, (2012).


We would like to acknowledge the use of the following meshes: Metal Trash Can by ClayOgre from (Fig. 3b), Bunny from Stanford Repository (Fig. 3c), Angel from Georia Tech Models Archive (Fig. 3d), and Kitten from AIM@SHAPE repository (Fig. 4).