Lecturer |
Kurt Mehlhorn
and He Sun
Time |
Monday 16-18, first meeting 22.04.2013 |
Syllabus |
Poster | PDF
Blog |
Mailing List |
Room | 024 in the MPI building (E1 4)
Videocast |
Our course has a videocast for
people studying at MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern and TU-KL Informatics. The videocast location is
Room 112, MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 26 (*new building!*).
Credits | You earn 6 Credit Points (LP) |
Prerequisites |
Basic knowledge of algorithm design. |
Content |
The course is to discuss (i) ideas in theoretical computer science that provide deep understanding, (ii) ideas that give computer scientists intuitions, (iii) ideas that have great
influence in studying Algorithms & Complexity, and (iv) ideas that creat excitement.
Topics |
- Time vs. Space, P vs. NP, and More.
- Interactive System, Zero Knowledge Proofs, the PCP Theorem.
- Expander Graphs.
- Learning Theory.
- Streaming Algorithms.
- Public-Key Cryptography.
- Linear Programming.
- Randomness in Computation.
- Introduction to Approximation Algorithms.
Preliminary Schedule |
Date |
Lecture |
Topic |
Lecture Notes |
Main References |
Other References |
Apr. 22
Apr. 29
P vs. NP, and Polynomial-Time Hierarchy
Lecture Notes
[AB09] |
[Sip92] |
May 6
Randomness in Computation
Lecture Notes
[Gol10] |
[Wig09] |
May 13
Linear Programming
Lecture Notes
[Sch03] |
May 13
Linear Programming (Contd.)
Lecture Notes
[Sch03] |
Jun. 3
Data Streaming Algorithms
Lecture Notes
[AMS99, CM05,CM12,Ind06] |
[Cor, Mut05] |
Jun. 10
Approximation Algorithms
Lecture Notes
Jun. 12
Tutorial 1
Solutions of Problem Set 1
Jun. 17
Expander Graphs in Computer Science
Lecture Notes
[HLW06] |
Jun. 24
Learning Algorithms
Lecture Notes
[Val84] |
Jul. 1
Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Lecture Notes
[Gol10] |
[GMR89,GMW91,QQQ89] |
Jul. 8
Public-Key Cryptography
Lecture Notes
Jul. 15
Jul. 22
Final Exam
Problem Sets |
- Problem Set 1 PDF
- Problem Set 2 PDF
- Problem Set 3 PDF
Grading |
- The final exam will be held in the last week of the semester.
- Homework 50% (3 Problem Sets), Final Exam 50% (Written exam).
- You need to collect at least 50% of the homework points to be eligible to take the final exam.
Similar Courses |
Main References |
- [AB09] S. Arora, and B. Barak: Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach, Cambridge University Press, 2009
- [Gol10] O. Goldreich: A Primer on Pseudorandom Generators PDF
- [Sch03] A. Schrijver. Combinatorial Optimization (3 Volumes), Springer Verlag, 2003.
- [CM12] G. Cormode, and S. Muthukrishnan: Approximating Data with the Count-Min Data Structure. IEEE Software, (2012). PDF
- [CM05] G. Cormode, and S. Muthukrishnan: An Improved Data Stream Summary: The Count-Min Sketch and its Applications. J. Algorithm 55(1): 58-75 (2005) .
- [Ind06] P. Indyk: Stable Distributions, Pseudorandom Generators, Embeddings and Data Stream Computation. J. ACM, July 2006. PDF
- [AMS99] A. Noga, M. Yossi, and S. Mario: The Space Complexity of Approximating the Frequency Moments", Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 58 (1): 137–147, 1999. PDF
- [HLW06] S. Horry, N. Linial, and A. Wigderson: Expander Graphs and Their Applications. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society,
43(4): 439-561
- [Val84] L. Valiant: A theory of the learnable. Communications of the ACM, 27(11):1134-1142, 1984.
- [Gol10] O. Goldreich: A Short Tutorial of Zero-Knowledge, 2010. PDF
Other References |
- [Sip92] M. Sipser: The History and Status of the P vs NP Question. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Symposium on Theory of Computation, 603-618, 1992. PDF
- [Wig09] A. Wigderson: Computational Intractability and Pseudorandomness. Institute Letter, 2009. PDF
- [Cor] G. Cormode: Sketch Techniques for Approximate Query Processing. PDF
- [Mut05] S. Muthukrishnan: Data Streams: Algorithms and Applications, Foundations and Trends in TCS, 1(2):117-286, 2005. PDF
- [GMR85] S. Goldwasser, S. Micali, and C. Rackoff. The knowledge complexity of
interactive proof-systems (extended abstract). In 17th Annual ACM Symposium on
Theory of Computing (STOC’85), pages 291–304, 1985. PDF
- [GMW91] O. Goldreich, S. Micali, and A. Wigderson. Proofs that yield nothing but
their validity, or all languages in np have zero-knowledge proof systems. Journal of
the ACM, 38, 1 1991. PDF
- [QQQ89] J. Quisquater et al. How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children. In: CRYPTO '89,
pages 628-631, 1989. PDF