Teaching Summer Semester 2003
Seminar Computer Graphics
Summer Semester 2003
This seminar will discuss topics related to current research areas in
computer graphics. Depending on availability and content, the seminar
will also include accepted paper of upcoming international conferences.
Time and Place:
- May 13th
Thomas Funkhouser, Patrick Min, Michael Kazhdan, Joyce Chen, Alex
Halderman, David Dobkin, and David Jacobs.
A Search Engine for 3D Models,
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 22(1), January, 2003.
Presenter: Carsten Fuchs, Adviser: Holger Theisel
- May 20th
Anthony C. Fang and Nancy S. Pollard.
Efficient Synthesis of Physically Valid Human Motion.
To appear in Proc. SIGGRAPH'03, 2003.
Presenter: Wolfram von Funck,
Adviser: Irene Albrecht
- May 27th
Christoph Bregler, Lori Loeb, Erica Chuang, Hirishi Deshpande.
Turning to the Masters : Motion Capturing Cartoons,
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2002.
Presenter: Edilson Aguiar,
Adviser: Christian Theobalt
- June 3rd
Diego C. Ruspini, Krasimir Kolarov and Oussama Khatib.
The Haptic Display of Complex Graphical Environments,
COMPUTER GRAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1997
Miguel A. Otaduy and Ming C. Lin.
Sensation Preserving Simplification for Haptic Rendering,
Siggraph 2003
Presenter: Waqar Saleem, Adviser: Jochen Lang
- June 10th
Ulf Assarsson, Tomas Akenine-Möller.
A Geometry-Based Soft Shadow Volume Algorithm Using Graphics Hardware,
Siggraph 2003
Presenter: Christian Schmaltz,
Adviser: Jan Kautz
- June 17th
Sundar Vedula, Simon Baker, Takeo Kanade.
Spatio-temporal View Interpolation,
Eurographics Workshop on Rendering (2002)
Presenter: Jens Kerber, Adviser: Christian Theobalt
- June 24th
no meeting
- July 1st
Eric Veach and Leonidas J. Guiba.
Metropolis Light Transport,
Siggraph 1997
Mark Pauly, Thomas Kollig, Alexander Keller.
Metropolis Light Transport for Participating Media,
EGRW 2001
Kelemen Csaba, Szirmay-Kalos László, Antal Görgy, Csonka Ferenc.
A Simple and Robust Mutation Strategy for Metropolis Light Transport Algorithm,
Eurographics 2002
Presenter: Sergej Fallmann,
Adviser: Ingo Wald
- July 8th
Philippe Bekaert, Mateu Sbert and John Halton.
Accelerating path tracing by reusing paths,
Rendering Techniques 2002 (Eurographics Workshop on Rendering)
Presenter: Hang Yu,
Adviser: Kirill Dmitriev
- July 15th
Greg Humphreys, Mike Houston, Ren Ng, Randall Frank, Sean Ahern,
Peter Kirchner, and James T. Klosowski.
Chromium: A Stream-Processing Framework for Interactive Rendering on
Siggraph 2002
Presenter: Dmitri Rubinstein,
Adviser: Ingo Wald
Each topic will be presented in a 30-45 minutes talk followed by a
- Speakers are expected to prepare a 5-10 page handout
highlighting the main aspects of the paper(s). Please let your adviser
have a look at your handout at least one week before the talk.
Possible Follow-Ups
As the seminar covers current research topics in computer
graphics, a follow-up (FoPra, thesis) in an related area is possible.
More information