Lecture: Perception for Computer Graphics (Myszkowski/Ritschel/Didyk)
Perception for Computer Graphics (Lecture, Winter Semester 2014/2015)
Specialized Lecture for Computer Graphics/Visual Computing
Karol Myszkowski
Tobias Ritschel
Piotr Didyk

(c) xkcd.com
As computer graphics is producing images and videos that are ultimately perceived by a human, it's mandatory to account for how the human visual system (HVS) is processing this information.
The HVS is complex, exhibiting many non-linearities as well as feedback and is only partially understood.
While this poses a challenge, it can also be seen as an opportunity which can be exploited in image compression, watermarking, denoising, enhancement, upsampling, etc.
Computational models which can predict the human response to the distortion of visual content are important when this opportunity is taken.
To this end, our course covers the basic theory of perception research, including
- What is perception?
- Designing experiments
- Analysis and statistics
and the practical applications in computer graphics, including
- Eye physiology and image formation
- Brightness and contrast
- Color
- High dynamic range and tone reproduction
- Image compression and image quality
- Depth and shape perception
- Material perception
The target audience are students in computer science or related fields.
This course covers topics from psychology and physiology that are relevant to computer graphics, and novel perception research and applications in computer graphics and vision.
The objective is to transfer knowledge, experience and competencies that are required for doing research in perceptual computer graphics, and that are useful in many related fields, such as experimental psychology, or usability studies in human-computer interaction.
Prerequisites: computer graphics and image processing, and the related math.
Language: English.
Evaluation: oral final exam on t.b.a
Monday, 10:00-12:00
First lecture:
| Monday, 27. 10. 2014
Building E1 4 (Max-Planck-Institut), Room 019
Course No. 83515
Lecture 1: Introduction, Course Overview (27.10.2014)
Lecture 2: What is Perception? (03.11.2014)
Lecture 3: Designing Experiments, Part 1 (10.11.2014)
Lecture 4: Designing Experiments, Part 2 (17.11.2014)
Lecture 5/6: Analysis and Statistics, Part 1 (24.11.2014) and Part 2 (01.12.2014)
Lecture 7: The Eye: Optics, Spatial Acuity and Temporal Integration (08.12.2014)
Lecture 8: Luminance, Contrast and Lightness (15.12.2014)
-- Winter Break --
Lecture 9: Color (5.01.2015)
Lecture 10: Tone Mapping (12.01.201)5
Lecture 12: Image Quality Evaluation (19.01.2015)
Lecture 12: Depth and Shape Perception (26.01.2015)
Lecture 13: Stereo 3D (02.02.2015)
Lecture 14: Materials (09.02.2015)
Course resources: Slides will be available after each lecture. Email Petr Kellnhofer for the password. No password required if you're on the campus network.
The following list contains the most relevant books for this lecture:
Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology,
Stephen E. Palmer,
The MIT Press, 2002.
Foundations of Vision,
Brian A. Wandell,
Sinauer Associates, Inc., 1995.
Seeing: The Computational Approach to Biological Vision,
John P. Frisby and James V. Stone,
The MIT Press, 2010.
Experimental Design: From User Studies to Psychophysics,
Douglas W. Cunningham and Christian Wallraven,
A K Peters/CRC Press, 2011.
Seeing in Depth: Basic Mechanics (Vol. 1) and
Seeing in Depth: Depth Perception (Vol. 2),
Ian P. Howard and Brian J. Rogers,
Oxford Psychology Series, 2012.
Visual Perception from a Computer Graphics Perspective,
William Thompson, Roland Fleming, Sarah Creem-Regehr and Jeanine Kelly Stefanucci,
A K Peters/CRC Press, 2011.
High Dynamic Range Imaging: Acquisition, Display, and Image-Based Lighting,
Erik Reinhard, Greg Ward, Paul Debevec, Sumanta Pattanaik, Wolfgang Heidrich and Karol Myszkowski,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2nd edition, 2010.
High Dynamic Range Video,
Karol Myszkowski, Rafal Mantiuk and Grzegorz Krawczyk.
Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science. Morgan & Claypool
Publishers, San Rafael, USA, 2008.
Color Imaging: Fundamentals and Applications
Erik Reinhard, Erum Arif Khan, Ahmet Oguz Akyuz and Garrett M. Johnson,
A K Peters, 2007.
Further literature will be announced during the course.
Oral exam: 25th and 26th February
Re-exam: 23rd March
- The exam will take 25 min per student. Please be on time. We are on a very tight schedule.
- The exam will be held in Building E1 4 (MPI Informatik), 2nd Floor, Room 233 (rotunda).
- In case you do not have a time slot
but you want to take the re-exam please contact us by email.