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Biomechanics-related projects

Is Motion-Capture-Based Biomechanical simulation valid for HCI Studies? Study and implications Informing the Design of Novel Input Methods with Muscle Coactivation Clustering Performance and Ergonomics of Touch Surfaces: A Comparative Study using Biomechanical Simulation

Performance and Ergonomics of Touch Surfaces: A Comparative Study using Biomechanical Simulation

Performance and Ergonomics of Touch Surfaces:
A Comparative Study using Biomechanical Simulation

Best paper Honorable mention
Best paper honorable mention

Myroslav Bachynskyi       Gregorio Palmas     Antti Oulasvirta     Jürgen Steimle     Tino Weinkauf


Although different types of touch surfaces have gained extensive attention in HCI, this is the first work to directly compare them for two critical factors: performance and ergonomics. Our data come from a pointing task (N=40) carried out on five common touch surface types: public display (large, vertical, standing), tabletop (large, horizontal, seated), laptop (medium, adjustably tilted, seated), tablet (seated, in hand), and smartphone (single- and two-handed input). Ergonomics indices were calculated from biomechanical simulations of motion capture data combined with recordings of external forces. We provide an extensive dataset for researchers and report the first analyses of similarities and differences that are attributable to the different postures and movement ranges.


PDF copy of the paper:

Performance and Ergonomics of Touch Surfaces: A Comparative Study using Biomechanical Simulation
Bachynskyi, M., Palmas, G., Oulasvirta, A., Steimle, J., Weinkauf, T.

Proceedings on Human Factors in Computing Systems ACM, 2015
(Adobe Acrobat PDF, 10 MB)
Matlab scripts:

Matlab scripts will come soon

(Coming soon, )
The raw source data:

Raw data of single participant recorded during the experiment (motion capture, force capture, smartphone logs and meta-data)

(zip archive of csv files, 670MB)
Preprocessed and segmented data:

Data after preprocessing steps: filtering outliers and occlusions, smoothing out noise, segmentation into individual movements and selection of representative movement.

(zip archive of Matlab .mat files, 800MB)
The simulated data:

Data generated by biomechanical simulation for corresponding trials. Subfolders of archive represent data generated by separate steps: P3 for Inverse Kinematics, P4 for Inverse Dynamics, and P5 for Static Optimization

(zip archive of OpenSim .mot and .sto files, 700MB)
The aggregated data:

Aggregated dataset created by processing the whole dataset

(Table in .csv file, 56MB)


Simulation tool:

OpenSim official web-page
Musculoskeletal model:

Full-Body model official web-page


 author = {Bachynskyi, Myroslav and Palmas, Gregorio and Oulasvirta, Antti and Steimle, Jürgen and Weinkauf, Tino},
 title = {Performance and Ergonomics of Touch Surfaces: A Comparative Study using Biomechanical Simulation},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
 series = {CHI '15},
 year = {2015},
 location = {Seoul, Korea},
 numpages = {10},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {touchscreen surfaces, biomechanical simulation, Fitts’ law, comparative study, touch input, pointing study},


If you have any question about the project, don't hesitate to write an email!

Myroslav Bachynskyi
Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics
Cluster of Excellence on "Multimodal Computing and Interaction"
mbachyns (at) mpi-inf (dot) mpg (dot) de