Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: rhyniophytoid
Target Entity: Rhyniophyta
Preceding Context: In the Welsh Borders, the first evidence of wildfire is
Succeeding Context: plant fossils preserved as charcoal, dating to the Silurian period (about ). Smoldering surface fires started to occur sometime before the Early Devonian period . Low atmospheric oxygen during the Middle and Late Devonian was accompanied by a decrease in charcoal abundance. Additional charcoal evidence suggests that fires continued through the Carboniferous period. Later, the overall increase of atmospheric oxygen from 13% in the Late Devonian to 30-31% by the Late Permian was accompanied by a more widespread distribution of wildfires. Later, a decrease in wildfire-related charcoal deposits from the late Permian to the Triassic periods is explained by a decrease in oxygen levels.
Paragraph Title: History
Source Page: Wildfire

Ground Truth Types:

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