Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: host
Target Entity: Host_\u0028biology\u0029
Preceding Context: EVD was first described after almost simultaneous viral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks occurred in Zaire and Sudan in 1976. EVD is believed to occur after an ebolavirus is transmitted to a human index case via contact with an infected animal
Succeeding Context: . Human-to-human transmission occurs via direct contact with blood or bodily fluids from an infected person (including embalming of a deceased victim) or by contact with contaminated medical equipment such as needles. In the past, explosive nosocomial transmission has occurred in underequipped African hospitals due to the reuse of needles and/or absence of proper barrier nursing. Aerosol transmission has not been observed during natural EVD outbreaks. The potential for widespread EVD epidemics is considered low due to the high case-fatality rate, the rapidity of demise of patients, and the often remote areas where infections occur.
Paragraph Title: Epidemiology
Source Page: Ebola virus disease

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