Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Greece
Target Entity: Greece
Preceding Context: Although a relatively small college, Amherst has many accomplished alumni, including Nobel, Crafoord Prize and Lasker Award laureates, MacArthur Fellowship and Pulitzer Prize winners, National Medal of Science and National Book Award recipients, and Academy, Tony, Grammy Award and Emmy Award winners; a U.S. President, the current Sovereign Prince of Monaco, a former prime minister of
Succeeding Context: , a Chief Justice of the United States, three Speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives, a U.S. Poet Laureate, the legal architect of Brown v Board of Education, and the inventor of the blood bank; leaders in science, religion, politics, the Peace Corps, medicine, law, education, communications, and business; and acclaimed actors, architects, artists, astronauts, engineers, human rights activists, inventors, musicians, philanthropists, and writers.
Paragraph Title: Alumni
Source Page: Amherst College

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