Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: executed
Target Entity: High_Court_of_Justice_for_the_trial_of_Charles_I
Preceding Context: Arturo arrives for the wedding and celebrates his new-found happiness ("A te, o cara"). Valton is to take a mysterious lady (suspected of being a Royalist spy) to appear before Parliament. Arturo discovers that she is Enrichetta (Henrietta Maria), widow of the
Succeeding Context: King Charles I. Elvira appears singing a joyful polonaise ("Son vergin vezzosa"), but drops her wedding veil as she departs to make ready for the wedding. Arturo uses the veil to disguise Enrichetta as Elvira and so enabling her to escape. On the way, they encounter Riccardo and, when he discovers that the woman with Arturo is not Elvira, he is content to let them pass. When the escape is discovered, Elvira believes herself deserted and loses her reason ("Oh, vieni al tempio, fedele Arturo").
Paragraph Title: Act 1
Source Page: I puritani

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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