Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Sauron
Target Entity: Sauron
Preceding Context: One Stone, the "palantír of Anárion", was placed at Minas Anor, which eventually became the capital of Gondor and was renamed Minas Tirith. This palantír was used by the Kings of Gondor, but when Minas Ithil fell to the Ringwraiths, Eärnil II stopped using it; not only did Sauron now have access to the network, but the palantír of Anárion had the strongest link of all seven to the Ithil-stone. The Stone was not used again for many centuries, until Steward Denethor II, began to use it in an attempt to find out the enemy's movements and better protect his city. Eventually,
Succeeding Context: encountered him (it seems that Denethor did not know he had actually been in contact with Sauron himself). Denethor, unlike Saruman, did not turn to wickedness, but his great efforts of will, regularly fighting against Sauron, caused him to age quickly. Furthermore, with the Ithil-stone, Sauron largely controlled what Denethor saw, leading to the latter's despair and insanity. For instance, Denethor saw a black fleet of apparent reinforcements for Sauron's forces coming from supposedly safe territory, unaware that the ships were actually carrying Aragorn's forces coming to relieve the city. Denethor was holding the stone when he committed suicide on a funeral pyre, and afterwards the Stone was rendered virtually unusable, as only people of great strength would see in it anything other than two flaming withered hands.
Paragraph Title: Minas Anor
Source Page: Palantír

Ground Truth Types:

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