Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: microvilli
Target Entity: Microvillus
Preceding Context: The first step of gastrulation is the epithelial to mesenchymal transition and ingression of primary mesenchyme cells into the blastocoel. Primary mesenchyme cells, or PMCs, are cells located in the vegetal plate that are specified to become mesoderm. Prior to ingression, PMCs exhibit all the features of other epithelial cells that comprise the embryo. Cells of the epithelium are bound basally to a laminal matrix and apically to an extra-embryonic matrix. The apical
Succeeding Context: of these cells reach into the hyaline layer, a component of the extra-embryonic matrix. Neighboring epithelial cells are also connected to each other through apical junctions, protein complexes containing adhesion molecules such as cadherins linked to catenins.
Paragraph Title: Ingression of primary mesenchyme cells
Source Page: Sea urchin

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