Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: the transition
Target Entity: Spanish_transition_to_democracy
Preceding Context: After the fall of Francoist Spain and the stablishment of a constitutional monarchy, in a process known in Spain as
Succeeding Context: , Bilbao could be able to hold democratic elections once again. Against what happened in the republics, this time Basque nationalists rose to power. With the approval of the Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country in 1979, Vitoria-Gasteiz was elected the seat of the government and therefore the de facto capital of the Basque Autonomous Community, despite Bilbao being larger and more powerful economically. In the 1980s, several factors such as terrorism, labor demands, and the arrival of cheap labor force from the abroad, led to a devastating industrial crisis.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Bilbao

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