Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Euskaltzaindia
Target Entity: Euskaltzaindia
Preceding Context: The official name of the city is Bilbao, as known in most languages of the world.
Succeeding Context: , the official regulatory institution of the Basque language, agreed that between the two possible names existing in Basque, Bilbao and Bilbo, that the historical name in Basque is Bilbo, while keeping the officialty of the first one. Although the term Bilbo does not appear on old documents, in the play The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare, there is a reference of swords presumably made of Biscayan iron to which he calls "bilboes", which might suggest that it is a word used since at least the sixteenth century.
Paragraph Title: Etymology
Source Page: Bilbao

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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