Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Comarch S.A.
Target Entity: Comarch
Preceding Context: Lublin is regional center of IT companies. Thanks to near 100 000 university students each year, and 5 universities in Lublin which teach computer science Masters of Arts, Lublin has big supply of specialized work force. Average salary for specialists in Lublin is 2/3 of that in Warsaw (+- 3000 PLN brutto for programmers for example). That makes it a great place for IT companies, and there are many such companies already. Asseco Business Solutions S.A., Eleader Sp z o.o., CompuGroup Medical Polska Sp. z o.o., Abak-Soft Sp. z o.o. and others have their headquarters there. Other companies (for example
Succeeding Context: , Britenet Sp. z o.o., Simple S.A., Asseco Poland S.A.) outsourced to Lublin, to take adventage of cheap, educated specialists.
Paragraph Title: Economy
Source Page: Lublin

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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