Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: China
Target Entity: People\u0027s_Republic_of_China
Preceding Context: The treaty will enter into force 180 days after the 44 states listed in Annex 2 of the treaty have ratified it. These "Annex 2 states" are states that participated in the CTBT’s negotiations between 1994 and 1996 and possessed nuclear power reactors or research reactors at that time. As of 7 December 2011, eight Annex 2 states have not ratified the treaty:
Succeeding Context: , Egypt, Iran, Israel and the United States have signed but not ratified the Treaty; India, North Korea and Pakistan have not signed it. In 1998 India said it would only sign the treaty if the United States presented a schedule for eliminating its nuclear stockpile, a condition the United States rejected.
Paragraph Title: Status
Source Page: Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

Ground Truth Types:

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