Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Moody’s Investor’s Service
Target Entity: Moody\u0027s
Preceding Context: In 2000, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the state was 40,457 million pesos, accounting for 2.74% of the country's total. In 2008,
Succeeding Context: gave the state a (Mexico) and Ba1 (global) ratings, based mostly on its strong economic base. The state has a highly skilled labor force, and strong ties to the U.S. economy, mostly due to its shared border with Arizona. This links affects various sectors of the state’s economy. Sonora is one of Mexico’s wealthier states with the GDP per capita about 15% higher than average, and GDP growth generally outpaces the rest of the country, with a growth of 8.4% in 2006 as compared to the national average of 4.8%. The economic success of the state, especially its industrial and agricultural sectors, as well as the border, have attracted large numbers of migrants to the state, from the central and southern parts of Mexico.
Paragraph Title: General profile
Source Page: Sonora

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