Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: trial
Target Entity: Witch\u002dhunt
Preceding Context: Although his own book had been put together with the help of Doreen Valiente and included material from a variety of modern sources, (notably from Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches and the writings of Aleister Crowley) it also included sections written in an antique (or mock-antique) style, including advice for witches brought to
Succeeding Context: and tortured. Gardner claimed that these sections were genuinely historical in origin, and that witches had not been allowed to write anything down until recently, to avoid incrimination; when at last Books of Shadows were allowed, the rituals and spells had to be written in a jumbled manner to prevent any non-initiate from using them. More recent scholars however have doubted their authenticity.
Paragraph Title: In British Traditional Wicca
Source Page: Book of Shadows

Ground Truth Types:

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