Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Caspar
Target Entity: Biblical_Magi
Preceding Context: #Zvaigznes diena ("Day of the Star") or Pagānu Svētdiena ("Pagan Sunday") was a festival held on January 6. Today it's still a tradition to leave the Christmas tree in a home from December 22 (the day of winter solstice) til Zvaigznes day. Three pointed apple cakes were eaten. If a dog was heard barking, the direction was said to also be that person's future spouse. Weaving and wood-cutting was considered as bad luck in beliefs. A very sunny day (so sunny, to have heated up the back of all the horses in the household) signified a year without war. After Christianization, Zvaigznes Diena became Trīs kungu diena ("Day of Three Sir's", "Day of the Three Masters"). The three sir's refer to
Succeeding Context: , Melchioru and Belceru. The initials "KMB" were carved on doors so that they would bless the house. Gypsies painted six-cornered stars on their foreheads. A clear night without clouds signified a good season in beliefs.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Latvian mythology

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