Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: If I Were a Rich Man
Target Entity: If_I_Were_a_Rich_Man_\u0028song\u0029
Preceding Context: Tevye is delivering milk, pulling the cart himself, as his horse is lame. He asks God, who would it hurt "
Succeeding Context: "? Avram, the bookseller, has news from the outside world about pogroms and expulsions. A stranger, Perchik, hears their conversation and scolds them for doing nothing more than talk. The men dismiss Perchik as a radical, but Tevye invites him home for the Sabbath meal and offers him food and a room in exchange for tutoring his two youngest daughters. Golde tells Tevye to meet Lazar after the Sabbath but does not tell him why, knowing that Tevye does not like Lazar. Tzeitel is afraid that Yente will find her a husband before Motel asks Tevye for her hand. But Motel resists: he is afraid of Tevye's temper, and tradition says that a matchmaker arranges marriages. Motel is also very poor and is saving up to buy a sewing machine before he approaches Tevye, to show that he can support a wife. The family gathers for the "Sabbath Prayer."
Paragraph Title: Act I
Source Page: Fiddler on the Roof

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