Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Providence
Target Entity: Providence_\u00281977_film\u0029
Preceding Context: With
Succeeding Context: (1977), Resnais made his first film in English, with a screenplay written by David Mercer, and a distinguished cast that included John Gielgud and Dirk Bogarde. The story shows an ageing, maybe dying, novelist grappling with alternative versions of his own past as he adapts them for his fiction. Resnais was eager that the dark subject should remain humorous, and he described it as "a macabre divertissement". Formal innovation characterised Mon oncle d'Amérique (My American Uncle) (1980) in which the theories of the neurobiologist Henri Laborit about animal behaviour are juxtaposed with three interwoven fictional stories; and a further counterpoint to the fictional characters is provided by the inclusion of film extracts of the classic French film actors with whom they identify. The film won several international awards including the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival, and it also proved to be one of Resnais's most successful with the public.
Paragraph Title: 1968-1980
Source Page: Alain Resnais

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