Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Zhou
Target Entity: Zhou_Dynasty
Preceding Context: Qin Shi Huang also followed the school of the five elements, earth, wood, metal, fire and water. It was believed that the royal house of the previous dynasty
Succeeding Context: had ruled by the power of fire, which was the color red. The new Qin dynasty must be ruled by the next element on the list, which is water, represented by the color black. Black became the color for garments, flags, pennants. Other associations include north as the cardinal direction, winter season and the number six. Tallies and official hats were six inches long, carriages six feet wide, one pace (步) was 6 ft (1.8 m).
Paragraph Title: Identification
Source Page: Qin Shi Huang

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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