Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Universal Studios
Target Entity: Universal_Studios
Preceding Context: In this 1980 sequel series, the Colonial fleet finds the Earth, and then it covertly protects it from the Cylons. This series was a quick failure due to its low budget (e.g., recycling footage from the 1974
Succeeding Context: movie Earthquake during a Cylon attack sequence), widely panned writing, and ill-chosen time slot (Sunday evenings, a time generally reserved for family-oriented programming and, more specifically, also for the 60 Minutes newsmagazine program). The TV series also had to adhere to strict content restrictions such as limiting the number of acts of violence and being required to shoehorn educational content into the script and dialogue.
Paragraph Title: Galactica 1980
Source Page: Battlestar Galactica

Ground Truth Types:

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