Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Target Entity: Intergovernmental_Panel_on_Climate_Change
Preceding Context: In 2011, Bob Ward claimed the GWPF was "spreading errors" and "the 'facts' " Lawson "repeats are demonstrably inaccurate" Ward referred to Lawson's "many times" repeated statement that the
Succeeding Context: worst case scenario predicted the rise in Third World living standards in 100 years would be limited to just nine times current levels. In fact, the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report estimates living standard will rise by a factor of 66 but crucially makes no assessment of how it will be affected by climate change. Ward also criticised Lawson for repeating in a 2010 BBC radio debate that Antarctic ice volumes were unchanged even after his error was highlighted by his opponent, Professor Kevin Anderson. Lawson provided no evidence to back his claim which is contrary to satellite measurements and he similarly incorrectly implied that the correlation between CO2 and sea levels was uncertain as sea levels were rising more slowly since 1950 than before it. The current sea level rise is accelerating.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Nigel Lawson

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