Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Massacre
Target Entity: Massacre_\u0028comics\u0029
Preceding Context: The real town of Metropolis is portrayed in one Superman comic-book story, specifically "Superman #92", in a story titled "Massacre in Metropolis!" (which is continued into "Adventures of Superman #515"), as a town whose citizens idolize, what is to them, the real-life Man of Steel. A villain named
Succeeding Context: arrives in the town, having gotten lost and thinking he was in the "other" Metropolis, the city where Superman actually lives. He attacks a security guard and threatens many citizens in order to get proper directions to Superman's Metropolis.
Paragraph Title: Metropolis vs. Smallville
Source Page: Metropolis, Illinois

Ground Truth Types:

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|  |  |---wordnet_traveler_109629752
|  |  |  |---wordnet_traveler_109629752_rest

Predicted Types:

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yagoGeoEntity-1.4244263117731084 0
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