Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Equatorial Guinea
Target Entity: Equatorial_Guinea
Preceding Context: The military of
Succeeding Context: (in Spanish: Fuerzas Armadas de Guinea Ecuatorial) was reorganized in 1979. It consists of approximately 2,500 service members. The army has almost 1,400 soldiers, the police 400 paramilitary men, the navy 200 service members, and the air force about 120 members. There is also a Gendarmerie, but the number of members is unknown. The Gendarmerie is a new branch of the service in which training and education is being supported by the French Military Cooperation in Equatorial Guinea. Overall the military is poorly trained and equipped. It has mostly small arms, RPGs, and mortars. Almost none of its Soviet-style light-armored vehicles or trucks are operational.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Military of Equatorial Guinea

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