Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: transvaginal ultrasound
Target Entity: Obstetric_ultrasonography
Preceding Context: Bleeding during early pregnancy is the most common symptom of both impending abortion and of ectopic pregnancy. Pain does not strongly correlate with the former, but is a common symptom of ectopic pregnancy. Typically, in the case of blood loss, pain, or both,
Succeeding Context: is performed. If a viable intrauterine pregnancy is not found with ultrasound, serial βHCG tests should be performed to rule out ectopic pregnancy, which is a life-threatening situation.
Paragraph Title: Management
Source Page: Miscarriage

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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wordnet_person_100007846-0.9094591412162767 0
yagoGeoEntity-2.050676332983649 0
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