Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Halo
Target Entity: Halo_\u0028series\u0029
Preceding Context: In the
Succeeding Context: video game series, the "active camouflage" power-up renders the wearer only partially invisible — the visible silhouette of the wearer is likely necessary so that the wearer's retinas can absorb what little light they need to see (though it also exists for game balance reasons). In the video game Quake, picking up a magic ring turns the player invisible to monsters for thirty seconds. In multiplayer deathmatch mode, only the player's eyes are visible, giving his opponents only a small clue to his location. With eyes being visible, light can be absorbed and the player can see.
Paragraph Title: Sight while invisible
Source Page: Invisibility

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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wordnet_event_100029378-0.6396184184552114 0
wordnet_organization_108008335-0.912085382214193 0
wordnet_person_100007846-0.4405228936357348 0
yagoGeoEntity-0.7899555387622025 0
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