Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: designed the medal
Target Entity: Tiffany_\u0026_Co\u002e
Preceding Context: Between 1919 and 1942, the Navy issued two separate versions of the Medal of Honor, one for non-combat bravery and the other for combat-related acts. Official accounts vary, but generally the combat Medal of Honor was known as the Tiffany Cross, after the company that
Succeeding Context: . The Tiffany Cross was first awarded in 1919, but was unpopular, partly because of its design. There were two awards of the Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor for non-combat to Commander, later Rear Admiral Richard Byrd and Floyd Bennett for their flight over the North Pole in 1926, as authorized by a special act of congress.
Paragraph Title: Evolution of criteria
Source Page: Medal of Honor

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