Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Republik Deutsch-Österreich
Target Entity: German_Austria
Preceding Context: In 1918, after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he became the first head of government ("State Chancellor") of that newly-established small German-speaking republic which refused to be considered the heir of the Habsburg monarchy and wished to be known as "
Succeeding Context: ," i.e., Republic of German-Austria. This name, however, was prohibited by The Entente in the Treaty of Saint-Germain of 1919 when they crushed the resolution of the Constituent National Assembly in Vienna that "German-Austria" was to be part of the German Republic. Even before the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Renner had proposed a future union of the German parts of Austria with, even using the word "Anschluss",
Paragraph Title: Pre–World War II
Source Page: Karl Renner

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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