Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Leah
Target Entity: Leah
Preceding Context: Some of the underpinnings of the Republic of Gilead come from the Bible, especially the Book of Genesis. The primary reference is to the story of Rachel and
Succeeding Context: (Genesis 29:31–35; 30:1–24). Leah, Rachel's sister and the first wife of Jacob, was fertile and was blessed by God; but Rachel, Jacob's second wife, was thought to be infertile until much later in her life. Rachel and Leah compete in bearing sons for their husband by using their handmaids as proxies and taking immediate possession of the children they produce. In the context of Atwood's book, the story is one of female competition, jealousy, and reproductive cruelty.
Paragraph Title: Biblical references
Source Page: The Handmaid's Tale

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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