Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Continental divide
Target Entity: Continental_divide
Preceding Context: In 1841, James Sinclair guided a large party of nearly 200 settlers from the Red River Colony west in an attempt to retain the Columbia District for Britain. The British trappers, traders and settlers followed the Red River north, then crossed Lake Winnipeg and followed the Saskatchewan River system to Fort Edmonton, then southwest. They crossed over the
Succeeding Context: of the Rocky Mountains via Sinclair Pass (near present day Radium Hot Springs) then down the Kootenay River and Columbia River to Fort Vancouver. This route was longer than the Oregon Trail route followed by the Americans, but easier. When the Sinclair settlers arrived, McLoughlin was slow to settle them on Pugets Sound Agricultural Company farms. Instead he encouraged them to settle in the Willamette Valley, with the American settlers, where they could get free land.
Paragraph Title: British response
Source Page: Fort Vancouver

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