Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: His blood
Target Entity: Blood_of_Christ
Preceding Context: Some Christians debate over the Western doctrine of original sin and the Eastern doctrine of ancestral sin. There is a minority of Christians that affirm the doctrine of Pelagianism, which believes every individual faces the same choice between sin and salvation that Adam and Eve faced and that ultimately each person can by themselves and without God's assistance (grace) overcome sin or temptation. There are some non-denominational Christians who do not accept the idea of original sin, because they believe that we are not born into sin, we are born into a sinful world. Therefore children are innocent until an age of accountability and the decision to accept Jesus Christ is possible with full understanding. Illuminism as per gnostic mysticism has been associated with the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. To the Christian, the Tree of life is Jesus, and not by higher knowledge, but only by faith in the atonement brought by
Succeeding Context: , true life in Him can be found and restored.
Paragraph Title: Other Christian traditions
Source Page: Tree of the knowledge of good and evil

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