Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Troy
Target Entity: Troy_\u0028film\u0029
Preceding Context: In some instances, film composers have been asked by the director to imitate a specific composer or style present in the temp track. On other occasions, directors have become so attached to the temp score that they decide to use it and reject the original score written by the film composer. One of the most famous cases is Stanley Kubrick's , where Kubrick opted for existing recordings of classical works, including pieces by composer György Ligeti rather than the score by Alex North, although Kubrick had also hired Frank Cordell to do a score. While North's 2001 is indeed a major example, it is not the sole case of well-known rejected scores. Others include Torn Curtain (Bernard Herrmann),
Succeeding Context: (Gabriel Yared), Peter Jackson's King Kong (Howard Shore) and (Carter Burwell).
Paragraph Title: Temp tracks
Source Page: Film score

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