Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Gila River
Target Entity: Gila_River
Preceding Context: Mormons founded the settlement of Vernal along the Green River in Utah in 1878, and populated the Little Colorado River valley later in the century, creating towns such as St. Johns, Arizona. They also established settlements along the
Succeeding Context: in central Arizona beginning in 1871. These early settlers were impressed by the extensive ruins of the Hohokam civilization that previously occupied the Gila River valley, and are said to have "envisioned their new agricultural civilization rising as the mythical phoenix bird from the ashes of Hohokam society". The Mormons were among the first to develop the water resources of the basin on a large scale, and built complex networks of dams and canals to irrigate wheat, oats and barley in addition to establishing extensive sheep and cattle ranches.
Paragraph Title: Settlers and miners
Source Page: Colorado River

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