Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Natural History
Target Entity: Natural_History_\u0028Pliny\u0029
Preceding Context: Much of what we know of Apelles is derived from Pliny the Elder (
Succeeding Context: , XXXV). His skill at drawing the human face is the point of a story connecting him with Ptolemy I Soter. This onetime general of Alexander disliked Apelles while they both were in Alexander's retinue, and many years later, while travelling by sea a storm forced Apelles to land in Ptolemy's Egyptian kingdom. Ptolemy's jester was suborned by Apelles' rivals to convey to the artist a spurious invitation to dine with Ptolemy. Apelles's unexpected arrival enraged the king. Ptolemy demanded to know who had given Apelles the invitation, and with a piece of charcoal from the fireplace Apelles drew a likeness on the wall, which Ptolemy recognized as his jester in the first strokes of the sketch.
Paragraph Title: Biography
Source Page: Apelles

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