Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Aegean Islands
Target Entity: Aegean_Islands
Preceding Context: In the legislative elections of November 1989, PASOK lost and Mercouri was elected a member of the Hellenic Parliament and remained a member of the party's Executive Bureau. In 1990, she was a candidate for Mayor of Athens but despite her popularity, she was defeated by Antonis Tritsis in a municipality which traditionally provided New Democracy with strong support. After PASOK's win in the election of 1993, she was back at the Ministry for Culture. Her major goals in this second term in office were: to create a cultural park in the Aegean Sea in order to protect and enhance the environment and civilization of the
Succeeding Context: , and to link culture with education at all education levels, introducing a system of post-training of teachers.
Paragraph Title: Minister for Culture: 1993–1994
Source Page: Melina Mercouri

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