Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: national industrial development plan
Target Entity: Central_Industrial_Region_\u0028Poland\u0029
Preceding Context: The mainstream of the Polish society was not affected by the repressions of the Sanation authorities, many enjoyed the relative prosperity (the economy improved between 1926 and 1929) and supported the government. Polish independence had boosted the development of thriving culture and intellectual achievement was high, but the Great Depression brought huge unemployment and increased social tensions, including rising antisemitism. The reconstituted Polish state had had only 20 years of relative stability and uneasy peace between the two wars. A major economic transformation and
Succeeding Context: led by Minister Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski, the main architect of the Gdynia seaport project, was in progress at the time of the outbreak of the war. The interwar period's overall economic situation in Poland was however stagnant. The total industrial production (within the pre-1939 borders) had barely increased between 1913 and 1939, but because of the population growth, the per capita output actually decreased by 17.8%.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: History of Poland

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