Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: September's 2005 parliamentary election
Target Entity: Polish_parliamentary_election\u002c_2005
Preceding Context: After the fall of communism the government policy of guaranteed full employment had ended and many large unprofitable state enterprises were closed or restructured. This and other economic woes of the transition period caused the unemployment to be at times as high as 20%. With the EU access, the gradual opening of West European labor markets to Polish workers, combined with the domestic economic growth, led to marked improvement in the employment situation (currently at around or above 10%) in Poland.
Succeeding Context: was expected to produce a coalition of two center-right parties, PiS (Law and Justice) and PO (Civic Platform). During the bitter campaign PiS overtook PO, gaining 27% of votes cast and becoming the largest party in the Sejm, ahead of PO with 24%. In the presidential election in October the early favorite, Donald Tusk, leader of the PO, was beaten 54% to 46% in the second round by the PiS candidate Lech KaczyƄski.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: History of Poland

Ground Truth Types:

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