Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Galicia
Target Entity: Galicia_\u0028Spain\u0029
Preceding Context: Amongst authors in Antiquity, the tiny Limia River between Northern Portugal and
Succeeding Context: (Spain) was said to have the same properties of memory loss as the legendary Lethe River. In 138 BC, the Roman general Decimus Junius Brutus sought to dispose of the myth, as it impeded his military campaigns in the area. He was said to have crossed the Limia and then called his soldiers on the other side, one by one, by name. The soldiers, astonished that their general remembered their names, crossed the river as well without fear. This act proved that the Limia was not as dangerous as the local myths described. In Alaska, a river which runs through the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes is called River Lethe.
Paragraph Title: Real rivers
Source Page: Lethe

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