Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: FreeBSD
Target Entity: FreeBSD
Preceding Context: The project at Carnegie Mellon ran from 1985 to 1994, ending in apparent failure with Mach 3.0, which was finally a true microkernel. Mach was developed as a replacement for the kernel in the BSD version of UNIX, so no new operating system would have to be designed around it. Today further experimental research on Mach appears to have ended, although Mach and its derivatives are in use in a number of commercial operating systems, such as NeXTSTEP and OPENSTEP, and most notably Mac OS X using the XNU operating system kernel which incorporates an earlier (non-microkernel) Mach as a major component. The Mach virtual memory management system was also adopted by the BSD developers at CSRG, and appears in modern BSD-derived UNIX systems, such as
Succeeding Context: . Neither Mac OS X nor FreeBSD maintain the microkernel structure pioneered in Mach, although Mac OS X continues to offer microkernel inter-process communication and control primitives for use directly by applications.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Mach (kernel)

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