Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Acts of Contrition
Target Entity: Act_of_Contrition
Preceding Context: As the voiture rolled through the dark streets that wintry night, the sad story of Oscar Wilde was in part repeated to me....Robert Ross knelt by the bedside, assisting me as best he could while I administered conditional baptism, and afterwards answering the responses while I gave Extreme Unction to the prostrate man and recited the prayers for the dying. As the man was in a semi-comatose condition, I did not venture to administer the Holy Viaticum; still I must add that he could be roused and was roused from this state in my presence. When roused, he gave signs of being inwardly conscious… Indeed I was fully satisfied that he understood me when told that I was about to receive him into the Catholic Church and gave him the Last Sacraments… And when I repeated close to his ear the Holy Names, the
Succeeding Context: , Faith, Hope and Charity, with acts of humble resignation to the Will of God, he tried all through to say the words after me.
Paragraph Title: Death
Source Page: Oscar Wilde

Ground Truth Types:

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