Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Turks
Target Entity: Turkic_peoples
Preceding Context: Cossacks, although Slavic-speaking and Orthodox Christians, came from a mix of ethnic backgrounds, including Tatars and other
Succeeding Context: . Many early members of the Terek Cossacks were Ossetians.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Slavic peoples

Ground Truth Types:

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|  |  |---wordnet_traveler_109629752
|  |  |  |---wordnet_traveler_109629752_rest

Predicted Types:

wordnet_artifact_100021939-3.469890957817872 0
wordnet_event_100029378-1.3461090796216342 0
wordnet_organization_108008335-1.8413707647477386 0
wordnet_person_100007846-1.2590230691428086 0
yagoGeoEntity-0.20060398841408703 0
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