Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Asian pennywort
Target Entity: Centella_asiatica
Preceding Context: Among the green leafy vegetables that are usually eaten raw in the meal or as a side dish in Thailand, the most important are: Phak bung (morning-glory), hōrapha (Thai basil), bai bua bok (
Succeeding Context: ), phak kachēt (water mimosa), phak kat khao (Chinese cabbage), kra thin Thai (ipil-ipil), phak phai (Praew leaves), phak kayang (Rice Paddy Herb), phak chī farang (Eryngium foetidum), phak tiu (Cratoxylum formosum), phak "phaai" (Yellow Burr Head) and kalampī (cabbage). Some of these leaves are highly perishable and must be used within a couple of days.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Thai cuisine

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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