Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Nukulaelae
Target Entity: Nukulaelae
Preceding Context: Tuvalu experiences the effects of El Niño and La Niña caused by changes in ocean temperatures in the equatorial and central Pacific. El Niño effects increase the chances of tropical storms and cyclones, while those of La Niña increase the chances of drought. Typically the islands of Tuvalu receive between 200mm to 400mm of rainfall per month. However, in 2011 a weak La Niña effect caused a drought by cooling the surface of the sea around Tuvalu. A state of emergency was declared on September 28, 2011; with rationing of fresh-water on the islands of Funafuti and
Succeeding Context:
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Tuvalu

Ground Truth Types:

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