Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Polynesia
Target Entity: Polynesia
Preceding Context: The earliest permanent settlement as proved by ceramic dating dates to 3500 BC by the Valdivia on the coast of Ecuador. Other groups also formed permanent settlements. Among those groups were the Chibchas (or "Muiscas" or "Muyscas") and the Tairona, of Colombia, the caƱari of Ecuador, the Quechuas of Peru, and the Aymaras of Bolivia were the 3 most important sedentary Indian groups in South America. In the last two thousand years there may have been contact with
Succeeding Context: ns across the South Pacific Ocean, as shown by the spread of the sweet potato through some areas of the Pacific, but there is no genetic legacy of human contact.
Paragraph Title: Agriculture and domestication of animals
Source Page: History of South America

Ground Truth Types:

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