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YAGO2s: A High-Quality Knowledge Base

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YAGO Architecture Demo Video

In this demo, users can see how more than 30 individual modules of YAGO2s work in parallel to extract facts, check facts for their correctness, deduce facts, and merge facts from different sources. A GUI allows users to play with different input files, trace the provenance of individual facts to their sources, to change deduction rules, and to run individual extractors. Users can see step by step how the extractors work together to combine the individual facts to the coherent whole of the YAGO2s ontology.

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Further Information

YAGO2s is part of the YAGO-NAGA project at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken/Germany. It is maintained jointly by the Databases and Information Systems Group and the Ontologies Group.

Please find more information about YAGO in the tabs above. If you have any questions about the project, please send a mail to
