@base . @prefix dbp: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . "This file is part of the ontology YAGO3. It is licensed under a Creative-Commons Attribution License by the YAGO team at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics/Germany. See http://yago-knowledge.org for all details. This file was generated on 2017-05-30 T 11:59:14.0068. Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names OTHER" . "Computer accessibility"@eng . "History of Afghanistan"@eng . "Geography of Afghanistan"@eng . "Demographics of Afghanistan"@eng . "Communications in Afghanistan"@eng . "Transport in Afghanistan"@eng . "Afghan Armed Forces"@eng . "Foreign relations of Afghanistan"@eng . "Assistive_technology"@eng . "Amoeba"@eng . "History of Albania"@eng . "Demographics of Albania"@eng . "As_We_May_Think"@eng . "Politics of Albania"@eng . "Economy of Albania"@eng . "Afroasiatic languages"@eng . "Constructed language"@eng . "Artificial language"@eng . "Abbadid dynasty"@eng . "Abbeville"@eng . "Abbreviation"@eng . "Atlas Shrugged"@eng . "Constructed language"@eng . "List of Atlas Shrugged characters"@eng . "Atlas Shrugged"@eng . "Atlas Shrugged"@eng . "African Americans"@eng . "Adolf Hitler"@eng . "Abecedarian"@eng . "Cain and Abel"@eng . "Abensberg"@eng . "Aberdeen, South Dakota"@eng . "Arthur Koestler"@eng . "Ayn Rand"@eng . "Alexander the Great"@eng . "Anchorage, Alaska"@eng . "Logical form"@eng . "Existence of God"@eng . "ASCII art"@eng . "Academy Awards"@eng . "Academy Award for Best Picture"@eng . "Austrian German"@eng . "Ivory tower"@eng . "Axiom of choice"@eng . "American football"@eng . "Anna Kournikova"@eng . "Andorra"@eng . "Austroasiatic languages"@eng . "Lists of actors"@eng . "History of the Alphabet"@eng . "named"@eng . "letter"@eng . "Ancient Greek letter"@eng . "Hebrew"@eng . "Arabic"@eng . "Uncial"@eng . "ancient Greeks"@eng . "Phoenician"@eng . "Etruscans"@eng . "Etruscan alphabet"@eng . "Latin language"@eng . "Latin alphabet"@eng . "majuscule"@eng . "minuscule"@eng . "semi-uncial"@eng . "Insular"@eng . "Caroline script"@eng . "before {{vr|r}}"@eng . "many common digraphs"@eng . "a"@eng . "ä"@eng . "ɑ"@eng . "Saanich"@eng . "segment"@eng . "line"@eng . "rays"@eng . "motivating"@eng . "Latin AE"@eng . "Å å"@eng . "Ǻ ǻ"@eng . "Ḁ ḁ"@eng . "Ă ă"@eng . "Ặ ặ"@eng . "Ắ ắ"@eng . "Ằ ằ"@eng . "Ẳ ẳ"@eng . "Ẵ ẵ"@eng . "Ȃ ȃ"@eng . "Â â"@eng . "Ậ ậ"@eng . "Ấ ấ"@eng . "Ầ ầ"@eng . "Ẫ ẫ"@eng . "Ẩ ẩ"@eng . "Ả ả"@eng . "Ǎ ǎ"@eng . "Ⱥ ⱥ"@eng . "Ȧ ȧ"@eng . "Ǡ ǡ"@eng . "Ạ ạ"@eng . "Ä ä"@eng .