@base . @prefix dbp: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . "This file is part of the ontology YAGO3. It is licensed under a Creative-Commons Attribution License by the YAGO team at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics/Germany. See http://yago-knowledge.org for all details. This file was generated on 2017-06-19 T 08:01:29.0837. All facts of YAGO that contain literals (except labels) CORE" . ".pg" . ".lu" . ".nu" . ".cr" . ".bs" . ".ph" . ".jp" . ".mp" . ".uy" . ".na" . ".tz" . ".km" . ".kr" . ".ps" . ".lc" . ".krd" . ".so" . ".ph" . ".sa" . ".tt" . ".za" . ".is" . ".ch" . ".sr" . ".km" . ".mq" . ".ml" . ".dm" . ".gt" . ".iq" . ".ao" . ".az" . ".gu" . ".lv" . ".ba" . ".pe" . ".me" . ".mu" . ".im" . ".tr" . ".cm" . ".tj" . ".ve" . ".ye" . ".ps" . ".se" . ".gr" . ".to" . ".nz" . ".sx" . ".es" . ".gm" . ".by" . ".bg" . ".an" . ".na" . ".ht" . ".na" . ".pw" . ".za" . ".dz" . ".tw" . ".si" . ".fo" . ".au" . ".tg" . ".va" . ".pn" . ".rs" . ".na" . ".je" . <Îles_des_Saintes> ".fr" . ".mv" . ".gg" . ".gh" . ".al" . ".so" . ".na" . ".so" . ".fi" . ".so" . ".cc" . ".at" . ".gq" . ".be" . ".ki" . ".pf" . ".eg" . ".uk" . ".hk" . ".mz" . ".ac" . ".bj" . ".so" . ".cy" . ".hu" . ".cg" . ".so" . ".np" . ".fj" . ".tz" .