@base . @prefix dbp: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . "This file is part of the ontology YAGO3. It is licensed under a Creative-Commons Attribution License by the YAGO team at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics/Germany. See http://yago-knowledge.org for all details. This file was generated on 2017-06-06 T 18:48:11.0135. Transitive closure of all rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf facts TAXONOMY" . <1908_St._Louis_Browns_season> rdf:type . <1908_St._Louis_Browns_season> rdf:type . <1908_St._Louis_Browns_season> rdf:type . <1908_St._Louis_Browns_season> rdf:type . <1908_St._Louis_Browns_season> rdf:type . <1908_St._Louis_Browns_season> rdf:type . <1908_St._Louis_Browns_season> rdf:type . <1908_St._Louis_Browns_season> rdf:type . <1908_St._Louis_Browns_season> rdf:type owl:Thing . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type owl:Thing . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type owl:Thing . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type owl:Thing . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type . rdf:type .