With option 1 one gets a complete checking of ordering constraints with each inference.
With option 2, ordering constaints are inherited from the premises
to the conclusion of an inference, enriched by the ordering constraint
for that inference.
In this case ordering constraints may become prohibitively large.
Constraints are only inherited for non-unit clauses.
No constraint weakening is performed.
That is,
even when subsumes
but the constraint of
does not imply the constraint of
will not be deleted.
An alternative would be to delete
, and at the same time
weaken the constraint for
such that the weaker constraint
is implied.
Option 3 is incompletely implemented and should not be used at present.
If all options are turned off by calling saci([]) clauses are preoriented once and for all, and inferences are computed with maximal literals and terms according to this preorientation. This corresponds to checking ordering constraints before the unfier is applied. If big clauses are produced during saturation, solving ordering constraints may be prohibitively expensive and saci([]) might be a good choice.